For the last couple of days, I've been in northern Georgia, then Tennessee and South Carolina, spending a lot of time on the various roads here. And this place is just . . . astounding. I think the only place I've ever seen that has more amazing views then the Great Smokey Mountains is probably New Zealand.
I'm in Asheville, SC right now, in a laundromat. Yay for clean clothes! Tonight I'm going to camp in a real campground, and make liberal use of their showers, because . . . I smell. Very potantly. Clean clothes ran out three days ago and I've been on the same pair of underwear and socks since then. Lets just say that I don't make pleseant company right now.
I'm dialed in through my cell phone at the moment, so I can't upload any of the copious number of pictures I've taken, or the videos I took of me attacking some of the most incredible roads ever paved. But I will soon, I promise.
I will, however, leave you with a picture of a new friend that I made at a senic view pull-off along the Blue Ridge Parkway, when I came back to my bike after taking pictures of the view.
But don't you come from Chicago? Just wait until you hit the north east...